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Who am I?

I guess you are all wondering who I am... Well here is a brief description of the "African mum". I am a wife, mum to two girls, sister to some, aunt to many and a daughter. On this blog I will be sharing some of my experiences as a wife and mum in an African setting. I'm sure you have all heard new mommies mostly gash about how being a mum is the best thing that ever happened to them and all that. Well it's not always rosy being a mum. There are times I feel like crying or pulling my hair cause of the frustration. However, at the end of the day I guess the good times far outweigh the bad times. Don't get me wrong I love my girls and above all I really really love and adore my hubby. He is my everlasting crush. The girls are an icing to an already perfect cake. However, all good things come at a price. So journey with me as I take you inside the life of an African mum... Happy reading folks

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